Kevin Bayliss
Kevin Bayliss er en britisk videospillgrafiker. Han begynte hos Rare i 1987 og har vært med på å forme flere titler siden den gang, helt fra NES-tiden.
Bayliss står bak designet til mange av karakterene i spill som Battletoads, Killer Instinct, Diddy Kong Racing og Star Fox Adventures, blant andre. Han hadde også ansvaret for å gi Donkey Kong en oppdatering og skape Diddy Kong i Donkey Kong Country.
I 2005 forlot han Rare og begynte å jobbe som frilansgrafiker for ulike selskaper før han til slutt ble en del av Playtonic Games i 2015.
Siden den gang har Bayliss besøkt Retromessa flere ganger, og er også del av et opplæringsinitiativ om spilllgrafikk på norske barneskoler.
Spill han har jobbet på (fra
- Wheel of Fortune (NES) (1988) - Graphics
- WWF WrestleMania (1989) - Graphics, Animation
- John Elway's Quarterback (1989) - Graphics
- California Games (1989) - Graphics
- Hollywood Squares (1989) - Graphics
- Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1989) - Graphics
- Cobra Triangle (1989) - Graphics
- Double Dare (1990) - Graphics
- Pin*Bot (1990) - Moving Graphics
- Ivan "Ironman" Stewart's Super Off Road (1990) - Graphics
- A Nightmare on Elm Street (1990) - Graphics
- Time Lord (1990) - Graphics
- WWF WrestleMania Challenge (1990) - Graphics
- WWF Superstars (1991) - Graphics
- Battletoads (1991) - Graphics, Design
- Beetlejuice (NES) (1991) - Graphics
- High Speed (1991) - Graphics
- Beetlejuice (Game Boy) (1992) - Graphics
- Battletoads & Double Dragon (1993) - Graphics
- Battletoads in Battlemaniacs (1993) - Graphics
- Battletoads in Ragnarok's World (1993) - Graphics
- Monster Max (1994) - Graphics
- Battletoads (Arcade) (1994) - Additional Design, Main Character Artist, Main Background Artist, 3D Computer Models, Original Battletoads Design
- Killer Instinct (1994) - Character Design and Models, Motion Capture Actor, Motion Capture Set Up, Game Design
- Donkey Kong Country (1994) - Characters
- Donkey Kong Land (1995) - Sprite Graphics
- Killer Instinct (GB) (1995) - Graphics, Original Game
- Killer Instinct 2 (1996) - Character Design and Models, Rendered Sequences, Motion Capture Actor, Game Design and Game Producer
- Killer Instinct Gold (1996) - Character Design and Models, Motion Capture Actor, Game Design and Game Producer
- Blast Corps (1997) - Additional Artwork
- Diddy Kong Racing (1997) - Art Director
- Banjo-Kazooie (1998) - Art Support [note: uncredited]
- Donkey Kong 64 (1999) - Support Team
- Mickey's Racing Adventure (1999) - Rare Staff
- Perfect Dark (2000) - Additional Staff (credited as "DD Sniper")
- Star Fox Adventures (2002) - Lead Artist
- Yooka-Laylee (2017) - Character Artist
- Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair (2019) - Character Artist